Featured image courtesy of: Amirah Kassem of Flourshop.com
So my obsession with sweets does not stop at eating them. In fact, this is more of an infatuation. The hours I spend watching tutorials on how to bake and decorate cakes is not something I care to share with most people. As I scroll through my instagram in the wee hours of the night, I stumble across one of the most inspiring ladies of our time. Amirah Kassem whose company Flour Shop seems to have caught the fashion industry by storm. She bakes cakes, cookies, and other sweets for all of the chic fashion parties and events around town. She basically has my dream job. The way she has infused fashion and cake is something so refreshing and modern, it seriously leaves me contemplating whether my cake baking/decorating hobby needs to become my career. Of course I slow my roll and stick with the Jewels for now! Here is Amirah “tasting the rainbow” with deliciously cute nonpareils on her lips hovering proudly over her rainbow layer cake! I chose baking as the kick off for this post because the way the “rainbow” has affected fashion and in turn, jewelry, just looks so TASTEEEEE!!!!! Here are some amazingly delicious finds for how to wear your rainbow!!!
(i popped in that last photo of some colored cotton-candy hair ala American Vogue for funsies!)
1. Black Rainbow Earrings by Solange Azagury-Partridge
2. 7 Chakras Tourbillon Ring by Caspita (avail: www.stoneandstrand.com)
3. Rainbow Dream Feather Ring by Crow’s Nest (avail: www.crowsnestjewels.com)
4. Yellow Topaz Megatronix Ring by Shebee Gem (avail: www.stoneandstrand.com)
5. Colored Sapphire Eternity Bands by Holly Dyment (avail: www.stoneandstrand.com)
Photo courtesy of: Moda Operandi
1. Graffiti Ear Cuff by Maria Francesca Pepe (available on luisaviaroma.com)
2. 18K Gold Vermeil Rhinestone Safety Pin Earrings by Genevieve Jones (available on modaoperandi.com)
3. Never Too Light Dots Rings by Delfina Delettrez (available on openingceremony.us)
4. De Stijl Neon Jewel Necklace by Tom Binns (availabe on shopbop.com)
5. Dots Ear Cuff by Delfina Delettrez (available on shopbazaar.com)
6. Rainbow Sapphire Rings by Polly Wales (available on pollywales.com )
W Magazine- November 2013
Photo Courtesy of: Vogue
Tags: Caspita / Daniel Philip Belevitch / Delfina Delettrez / Diane Kordas / Ear Cuffs / emo / Emoticon / Genevieve Jones / Holly Dyment / Maria Francesca Pepe / Moda Operandi / Polly Wales / rainbow / Safety Pin / Sapphire / Shebee Gem / solange azagury-partridge / Stone and Strand / tom binns / Vogue / W Mag